The download link for the output files in our system is tightly bound to your IP address, that is why there are few cases when you can get 403 Forbidden error while trying to download your result files:
- If you use our web-based file conversion or text recognition service at the time you click on the Download button, you have to have the same IP that you had when you open the page or started the file conversion. This means that you can't share a download link with other persons (another IP) and if you don't have a static IP you may reload the page (F5) and click on the download button again. Your files are preserved upon page reloading (if you didn't disable the cookies in your web-browser).
- If you use our CLI or API file conversion service - you must have the same IP throughout the entire conversion process or at least at the time you query the file status.
There is a workaround in case you are using a web-based solution and there is no way to prevent the IP address from changing (i.e., in case your ISP or system administrator set up the routing this way): you can link Google Drive or Dropbox to your account (prior to starting file conversion) to automatically store converted files into your selected cloud storage service upon conversion completion.
To do so, activate any of these cloud services prior to starting the conversion:
When activated, they become in the "active" state:
Now you can click the "Convert" button to start the file uploading and conversion. This will make output files automatically uploaded into the selected cloud services upon completion and don't require you to download them manually. After files got uploaded and turned into the "Converting" stage you may even close the browser tab.