To convert your images or scanned PDF into editable text (i.e. to make an OCR), please, do the following:
- Go to
- If you have an account - log into it by following this tutorial.
- Open
- Add your file using the big red button on this page
- Choose appropriate languages (1 or more) in dropdown menus below the files list
- Choose desired output format in the dropdown menu
- Press the Recognize button.
- Wait until your file is recognized (this step usually does not require a lot of time, but may take a minute).
- Press the Download button to get the result file. If you are logged into your account, your result files are stored for 14 days on this page:
- If you need to perform simple file conversion without text recognition, please try our file conversion tool.
- You may hit a limit and see an error. Please, take a look at our free tier limitations and premium plans for text recognition.
- If you have just ordered a premium OCR plan and looking for your file - it might not be recognized. If you can't find your recognized file in your account ( - you should restart your text recognition from the very beginning.
- If you want to download your previously recognized files, please, follow this tutorial.
- If you have issues in file uploading, please, follow recommendations from slow file uploading troubleshooting article.
- If you have a "403 Forbidden" error when downloading your files, please, look into this KB article.